Saturday, October 27, 2007

Travel Through Satolep Sambatown

How I've promissed in my last post, here is my post about the Vitor Ramil & Marcos Suzano's Last Concert here in Pelotas. I only have two words to describe the concert: I'm speachless.
It's amazing how only two musics from distint regions and with diferent inspirations can create songs full of sounds, giving to you the ideia that has a whole band with 70 musicians upon the stage!
Vitor and his two guitars made us travel trough his esthetics of the cold, creating songs and milongas that you couldn't imagine. Suzano was enclosed of apparels that looked like a percussion army. All the crowd in the theater was shoked.
The whole concert has lasted one hour and a half, finishing with a new-samba-version from Vitor's famous song: Jokin.
Satolep Sambatown, without any doubt, is one of the best albuns already made, bringing to the Brazilian music a new way to see the future: the mixing.

"I made the milonga in seven cities:
rigidity, depth, clarity,
in conciseness, purity, lightness and
- RAMIL, Vitor - Milonga of the Seven Cities

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great Gabriel! I'm so so so sorry that I couldn't make it to the concert!
I think they're fabulous.. :(
Let's hope for a CD or DVD then..
