Friday, October 19, 2007

40 worst Video clips

Something interesting that I've found this week is a webpage containing the 40 worst videocilps ever made. Well, as I really (I mean really) have a craving for having a laugh I tend to browse the net for stupid things. AHUahOUAHuoahoU...

It's not really news, but I couldn't help showing you this!

Take a look... the first one ( Hermanos Carrión - El Guararey) is hilarious! :D

Hope to see you guys coming along..


Pam said...

This is really funny, the woman with blond hair is very dope, she doesn't know dance. hiihi :D
I thought it mad, very mad. I don't belive that his people had do it.

Unknown said...

funny, right Pam? The part she is in the shower is the best one...
hauoahouahauohuoaho :P

Feel free to write.. remember that it can be something pretty simple, nothing fancy! :D

Rômulo said...

its too³ funny!
i had a giant laugh watching that!

gaspar said...

In the truth, them they are very crazy.
