Hey guys! Since I'm a fan of memes; those very funny images of faces that are all over the internet,like the me gusta face or the troll face; I decided to share this website with you http://knowyourmeme.com/ , in this website you can know anything about every single meme, hope you enjoy it!
Hi, I was thinking about what to post and I found ''scale of universe''. This is a comparision of the smaller to the biggest, you will forget our sun after see it. haha Just click here. Enjoy :)
I saw on a website these ideas related to a sentence Justin Bieber said while receiving him VMA award last week. The sentence makes no sense at all... It would be something like "I wanna thanks not only my family, but also my parents", which is actually more or less the first comparison they draw. Can you think of other examples?
Helllo everybody. Long time, no see =) This post is to reopen our blog. I hope we can share interesting ideas, links and opinions about things we did on the net.